Hi Lucy, this is such a nice thing to read on a Sunday morning when you’re feeling fluey. I can see these being not just Spring intentions but life ones too. My partner has just found out he’s now as risk of redundancy so we’re quite worried. I’m feeling too scattered and I can’t do it all.

Spring feels like the best time to reassess what I need to focus on. The truth is I’m tired of creating content for instagram without any proof that it’s helping my business, I’m thinking of cutting back my IG presence for 3 months so I can focus on my main goal which is to develop my patterns and illustrations and pitch them for licensing. I would also like to move my newsletter over to Substack in the second half of the year and perhaps even set up my creative membership on here as a paid subscription. I see you mainly use IG to promote your Substack now, how are you find it? Any tips you could share. Merci xx

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Thank you for sharing this! I recently moved to France and started a microentreprise. It’s my first time as a business owner and I’ve been so busy with the move and maintaining existing clients that I’ve been dragging my feet on “hyping myself.” Your tips are a great kick in the pants… although I’ll admit, #23 is my favorite. Maintaining my creative practice has been the most important goal for me. That’s why I started my Substack!

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What a fabulous reminder Lucy, thank you!

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Thank you for that great list of intentions. I’ve just purchased your book too!

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Thank so much for your tips small wins are important

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Thanks so much for Lucy! I’m going to be printing this out tomorrow and going through like a checklist. I feel like I have no time, so I like the idea of having a list of things I want to achieve, and get stuff done. I’m feeling inspired and motivated. Thank you 🧡💙

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Hi Lucy! Thanks for all the tips in this post. I’m also someone who up and moved to France for a better quality of life – it’s magical isn’t it? I have a question for you. When I promote my newsletter on my social media to friends and family, I hardly get any reaction. I have much more success getting total strangers to follow me. Is that normal? Is there any difference when promoting yourself to people you known versus those you don’t?

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A bit late to the party on this one - but very helpful this week as I'm in reset mode and finally dipping my toe in the water of personal substacking (is that even a word?!).

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So many takeaways and amazing tips in this post 😊 Love the idea of a checklist - I feel like my actual work time in the week is so limited that this would be super helpful. I also got a copy of the 90 days book that you recommended on socials last week and can’t wait to dip into that. A huge thanks for linking to our collab post too!

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