45 outlets looking for guests
Collaboration corner directory pt.1 Substacks, podcasts, newsletters and IGs looking for contributors
Hiya š! Iām Lucy from Hype Yourself. I chat about self-promotion and creative living. If you are new to this page, pop your email below to ensure you receive my posts.
Hey everyone,
Do you want to write for another Substack?
Grow your audience through collaborations but have no idea where to start.
Guest speak on a podcast?
Feel less lonely in the solopreneur journey?
I got you!
Remember: PR is more than getting into the national press. It is everything we do in the public eye, and I want to help arm you with the tools to get started.
Last month, I created Collaboration Corner posts on Instagram, LinkedIn and Substack.
You can trawl through them all individually OR you can look at the categorised directory Iāve made for you in Part 1 today. It will come out several times yearly, and paid subscribers get them all!
Part 2 will be about guests looking for outlets, so if you own a Substack, newsletter or podcast and are struggling for guests, a fab list will come your way soon.
QUICK NOTE! PLEASE PLEASE follow the pitch tips from our workshop or this article.
One-size fits no-one. I forbid you to send a spam blanket pitch to all. Pick 3-5 max. Research them thoroughly.